On the road for VR: Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference & Expo

I just got back from the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference & Expo in the awesome Computer History Museum in Mountain View, just across the street from Google HQ. There were talks, there were round tables, there were panels (I was on a panel on non-game applications enabled by consumer VR, livestream archive here), but most importantly, there was an expo for consumer VR hardware and software. Without further ado, here are my early reports on what I saw and/or tried.

Figure 1: Main auditorium during the “60 second” lightning pitches.

Oculus Rift Development Kit 2

I finally got to try the DK2 for the first time, and it held up to my expectations. Oculus were showing the “Couch Knights” demo, but I must admit I wasn’t really paying much attention to it (which is why the Oculus guy in the other seat beat me silly, or at least that’s my excuse). I was primarily checking out the positional head tracking, the higher resolution (it’s higher), the new subpixel arrangement (it’s a different, less distracting screen pattern than DK1’s “screen door”), and the low-persistence display (it blurs less). I feel that the DK2’s screen is at the point where it’s not a problem anymore.

So let’s focus on the big thing, camera-based positional head tracking. I’m glad to report that it works. Tracking has no noticeable jitter and low latency, but I couldn’t judge the overall accuracy because the demo was not adjusted for my IPD, which is on the narrow side, and everything, including tracking, was off scale. That said, based on the used technology and the high quality of the rest of the system, I don’t expect any issues.

In my nixed ANTVR diatribe I make the bold claim that the qualitative difference in experience between a fully position-tracked HMD like the DK2, and an orientation-tracked HMD like the DK1, is on the same order of magnitude as that between an orientation-tracked HMD and a regular computer screen (which is why the ANTVR can not be better than DK2/Morpheus regardless of its other tech specs, but never mind that now). I now have to amend that claim: the improvement from a position-tracked HMD isn’t quite as big when your ass is glued to a seat. I understand why Oculus is preaching a “seated VR experience” (for liability reasons if nothing else), but I hope they’ll tell developers, sub rosa if necessary, that their software should work in, and fully exploit, a standing experience, even if the current tracking system doesn’t quite support it. Your body knows where the floor should be, and if you are sitting down, but your player avatar is standing up, it just doesn’t feel right. The inversion of this rule is, of course, that racing or other cockpit games should only be played in the seated position. To meander back to the topic, this explains why Couch Knights was chosen as a demo. The camera’s tracking volume was large enough that I stayed inside it no matter how harded I leaned out of the chair. I did not stand up, but others who did told me tracking cut out for them. The fix is to adjust the camera position based on how you want to use the system.

The biggest thing, however, that occurred to me while trying the DK2 with Couch Knights — and this is no criticism of the hardware or software — was embodiment. In my recent Kinect video I muse about the uncanny valley, the observation that the closer a visual representation of a human approaches reality, the more magnified minor flaws are, and the less real it looks. In Couch Knights, there is a fully developed player avatar that sits in the same pose as the player, and even holds the same game controller. When the Oculus guy handed me the controller, I looked down (already wearing the Rift) to place my thumbs on the analog sticks on the unfamiliar controller layout. But according to the avatar, my thumbs were already on the sticks. As I had just worked with 3D video embodiment before, and subconsciously expected that the virtual view of my hands would represent reality, that brought my brain to a grinding halt, and it took me a long time to get around that disconnect and find the sticks. I had to force myself to close my eyes and feel around for the sticks, because visual cues from the avatar were completely misleading. Even after that, the player avatar never felt like my body. Couch Knights tries very hard, even animating the upper avatar body to match head position, but by trying so hard, it failed even harder. That’s the uncanny valley in a nutshell. I haven’t heard this specific complaint from anybody else, so it might just be my personal problem. Maybe playing with 3D video embodiment heightened my sensitivity for this discrepancy.

Bottom line: The Oculus Rift DK2 is a proper VR HMD, albeit slightly limited by the recommended “seated VR experience.” Not a problem if developers and users are willing to “void the warranty.”

Sony “Project Morpheus” VR HMD

Figure 2: Sony’s Project Morpheus VR HMD, with two Playstation Move controllers.

The Morpheus (let’s just call it that for now) was a surprise to me. There has been a lot of skepticism about it, especially on the Oculus subreddit (maybe a bit of brand loyalty there), but I found it an unqualified success. Just like with DK2, I completely ignored what I was supposed to do in the demo, and focused on head tracking, screen resolution, latency, etc. I think the demo was set up to progress and then self-terminate after certain player actions, so by never doing those like I was supposed to, I spent way longer in there than the Sony guy wanted me to, but that was his problem (there was no line). Unlike Couch Knights, Sony’s demo didn’t have a full-body avatar, only floating gauntlets, but that didn’t bother me much.

Anyway, I’m confident in saying that the Morpheus is, taken by itself, on the same quality level as the DK2. I wasn’t able to try the two back-to-back, so I cannot judge which of the two is maybe slightly better than the other, but I think the difference is at most minor. I did notice that the Morpheus wasn’t fully enclosed, and I was able to see a sliver of reality underneath the screens. Chalk one up for Oculus. The big difference was that Sony was bold enough to aim for a standing VR experience, and that paid off big time for me. I was able to walk around the training dummy I was supposed to punch and slice, peer through the gaps in its armor, poke my head through its chest, and all those fun things. There were a few minor glitches in tracking as I walked around, but nothing disruptive. After I was done I realized I had forgotten to try tracking while facing away from the camera, which should work due to the Morpheus’ back-facing LEDs. Oops.

The biggest revelation about the Morpheus system, for me, were the Playstation Move controllers. I have been working with the Move in my copious spare time for a while, to develop a hybrid inertial/optical tracking driver for full 6-DOF, low-latency tracking in the Vrui VR toolkit. Idea in a nutshell: low-latency inertial tracker tracks position and orientation via dead reckoning, high-latency camera corrects for positional drift retroactively. Result: globally accurate tracking with the latency of the inertial tracker. Problem: really tricky. I have long been convinced that it would work great, but seeing Sony’s implementation really motivated me to go back to it and get it done as soon as possible. It simply worked, even when aiming a virtual crossbow at far-away targets. The controllers were tracked by the same Playstation 4 Eye camera as the headset itself. Granted, the DK2’s game controller was more appropriate to remote-control a mini-knight in Couch Knights, but Morpheus let me dismember a life-size training dummy at 1:1 scale. Guess which I’d rather do. Random thought: did Sony intentionally bring the “standing knight” demo to one-up Couch Knights? If so: well played, Sony.

Bottom line: Sony’s Project Morpheus is a proper VR HMD, and as a system combined with two Playstation Move controllers, it’s very close in experience to my CAVE, and a total blast. Since Oculus Rift DK2 could be combined with Playstation Move controllers as well, there is no clear winner — besides the users, that is.

Sixense STEM

I’m a big fan of the Razer Hydra, warts and all, and I was looking forward to trying its descendant, the STEM. Sixense were showing two demos: Portal 2, and a simple shooting gallery where the player could pick up two revolvers by using the tracked handles, and then aim them at targets and blast away. I agreed with the Sixense folks that the shooting gallery made a better demo because it focused on the STEM’s tracking abilities, without distracting the player with puzzles, a story, and glorious vistas. Yet again I ignored the demo completely, and instead specifically aimed for the Hydra’s weak points in tracking, i.e., latency (felt good), global field warp causing large-scale positional displacements inherent to the electro-magnetic technology, and orientational dependence of positional tracking, i.e., lateral displacements in response to purely rotational movements caused by sub-par magnetometer calibration inside the tracked handles.

My experiments must have looked really strange to onlookers. For example, I was holding the two handles such that the virtual guns’ muzzles touched in virtual space, and then rotated one handle around the point in real space where I felt its real muzzle would be. In a perfect tracker, the virtual muzzle would have stayed precisely in place, and while there was still significant displacement, it was a lot less bad than with the Hydra. Field warp, on the other hand, was just as before. Field warp is a property of the local environment itself, and completely out of control of the tracking hardware. There is no way to detect and correct it without an independent secondary tracking system using another technology, such as an optical one. It might be possible to correct for field warp using two different electro-magnetic technologies simultaneously, say AC vs pulsed DC, but I don’t think STEM is doing that. That said, in most cases field warp is not a deal breaker. It is not good when there is something else in the virtual environment that is tracked with global accurately, such as when combining 3D video with Hydra handles, but in other circumstances the player can adapt to it.

Apart from that, there was a little bit of jitter, particularly noticeable when aiming the virtual guns at far-away targets. I think it will require fine-tuning of filter coefficients, trading off jitter against latency, to get this dialed in just so. I think this will have to be exposed to the end user, say via a slider in a UI (Vrui does it via a configuration file setting).

There was one major glitch: while I was messing around, one of the handles froze — not completely, but only in position. It still reacted to rotations, but I couldn’t move it any more. I don’t think it was a hardware issue (there is no way to explain that behaviour given the tracking technology), but a driver problem. Major clue: a restart fixed it. I’m apparently good at breaking demos (I “broke” the Hydra in The Gallery: Six Elements as well).

Looking forward, the Sixense folks mentioned their plan of putting accelerometers and gyroscopes into the tracked handles, to reduce latency and improve orientational stability. That sounds like a good idea to me, I hope they’ll be able to pull it off.

Bottom line: It’s still an electro-magnetic tracker with all the concomitant issues, but much improved compared to Razer Hydra, and with a reasonable chance for further improvements before hitting the market.


This one I was really curious about, because I hadn’t seen much about it, and was skeptical of some of its claims (such as zero-drift inertial positional tracking). After having looked at it very closely (though sadly they didn’t let me try it myself), I think I understand exactly how it works. The trick to achieving zero-drift inertial positional tracking is to — wait for it — not do inertial positional tracking at all. But then how does it track the position of your hands and feet? Via zero-drift orientational tracking, which isn’t quite as hard.

Take the “PrioVR Lite,” which has one IMU on each upper arm, one on each lower arm, and one on each hand. If you assume that the body’s center of gravity (CoG) and the shoulders don’t move, then the orientation of the upper arm implies the position of the elbow joint based on the shoulder position and the length of the humerus (upper arm bone). From that, add that the orientation of the lower arm and the length of the radius and ulna, and you have the wrist position, and so forth. It’s basic forward kinematics. It’s the same for the head; head orientation and relative position of head over the shoulders yield head position (just like the neck model in the Rift DK1). Finally, the chest sensor measures upper body orientation, i.e., leaning, and defines the root point for the upper body kinematic chains.

The problem, of course, is that the skeleton model used for forward kinematics must match the user’s real body fairly well, or the tracked position of the extremities won’t match reality 1:1. This showed up very obviously in the PrioVR demo: the guy wearing the suit was sending text messages on his cellular telephone a lot, so he was standing still with his hands held closely together for extended periods of time. Great opportunity for me to sneak up to the big screen and check the hand positions of his avatar, which were at least one hip width apart. This means PrioVR didn’t bother to calibrate the kinematics skeleton to the guy demoing their system. Oops.

Now I said up there “assume that the shoulders don’t move.” What happens if they do? I asked the guy to show me what happens when he lifts his shoulders while leaving his arms hanging freely (at that point he already thought I was a weirdo, so no further harm), and, confirming my hypothesis, the arms and hands of his avatar didn’t move at all. So that’s how they do it. Inertial positional tracking would have picked up that motion, but then, it would never work as a system due to drift.

That leaves the question: how does PrioVR do locomotion? One selling point of the suit is that it can track the user’s position throughout larger spaces. Here’s how: I don’t think the “Lite” suit supports locomotion at all (confirmed via web site). The suit demoed at the expo was a “Core” suit, which tracks upper and lower legs. As before, we assume that the body’s CoG doesn’t move (or, thinking differently, that the entire body moves relative to the CoG). Then the orientation of the upper and lower legs yields ankle position, and we can get foot position from that assuming the ankles don’t rotate. If the user stands still, both feet will be at the same elevation below the CoG, and the software can decide that they are both on the ground, so it will lock the user’s avatar to the virtual floor (that works for crouching, too). Now the user lifts one leg, which the software can detect easily, and puts it down again. Did it go straight back down, or forward to take a step? The software can estimate the foot’s arc based on the same forward kinematics, and therefore predict the new location of the foot on the virtual floor once it comes down again. Apply half the difference from old to new foot position to the CoG, and the avatar just took a half step forward. Now follow with the other foot and repeat, and the avatar is walking. Basically: whichever foot is lower below the CoG gets locked to the floor (this entire description is simplified, of course). Now the big question: can the PrioVR suit detect a jump, and distinguish a jump straight up from a jump forward, and estimate jump distance? I don’t think so, but if it does at least one of these, major kudos. Update: comments on reddit from PrioVR themselves confirm my hypothesis: correct operation of PrioVR requires at least one foot on the ground at all times. So no jumping or running, and orientation-based forward kinematics is the best explanation of how the PrioVR works.

As it turns out, in practice locomotion has some problems. Jitter in orientational measurements leads to noisy foot positions, and applying a hard threshold (I guess) for step detection means that the avatar might take spurious mini-steps, or miss some small intended steps. And that’s exactly what happened: while the demo guy was standing still, his avatar’s feet were continuously dancing a little jig (which looked really funny on screen, because it was a very serious-looking avatar) and the avatar was (very slowly) moonwalking through the virtual environment. Finally, the avatar’s step size didn’t match real step size to a noticeable degree, but that was most probably due to skeleton mismatch, just like with the hands (where it was easier to confirm). The “Pro” suit might improve locomotion somewhat because it tracks foot orientation, so it can detect the user standing on tiptoes, but there will still be drift.

One last note: the PrioVR’s measurements were surprisingly noisy. The avatar’s feet were visibly tapdancing, and the hands were shaking like leaves. That was very strange, because inertial tracking is integrative, i.e., low-pass filtered, meaning it suffers from little jitter. It is possible that this was due to radio interference between the suit and the base station; dropping samples from an inertial tracker is a very bad thing. I hope that tracking would have been much smoother in a more controlled environment.

Bottom line: PrioVR uses a forward kinematics approach to provide drift-free 6-DOF tracking data for limbs and specifically hands, as advertised, but it requires careful per-user calibration, which cannot be done by the system itself, but must be measured manually using good old-fashioned measuring tape, or be provided by an external body measurement system like a Kinect, and suffers from global inaccuracy and drift in overall avatar position, and significant measurement noise at least in an uncontrolled environment like an expo floor. I like it overall; just like the Hydra, if you know its problems, you can work around them. If they integrated the trackers into a complete spandex suit and gave it neon trim, I’d get one in a heartbeat.

Leap Motion

In my initial review of the Leap Motion I classified it as good hardware hamstrung by ill-fitting use case (keyboard and mouse replacement) and bad software and interface approaches, and I think the lukewarm reception it received has supported that. However, there’s now a new skeleton-based finger tracking SDK, and beta testers have said good things about it. I got to try it, and I can confirm that it works much better than ever before. The correspondence between one’s real hand and the extracted skeleton is still often tenuous, and there are the inherent occlusion issues, but it might now have crossed the threshold from novelty into practical usability.

I think the fundamental problem with optical hand tracking is that it is unreliable for triggering events. Due to occlusion, tracking breaks down exactly at the point when it is most crucial, namely when the user pinches two fingers to indicate her intent to, say, pick up a virtual object. Unlike with a physical button of some sort, the user cannot just assume that the system detected that event, but has to wait for visual or other feedback from the system before proceeding. In an application like the Nanotech Construction Kit, where the user has to interact quickly with small building blocks to effectively build complex molecules, that would be a major problem. Instead of the ideal “grab – drag – release” sequence, the user now has to grab, then wiggle a little and look to check if really grabbed, then drag, then release. Which is a pity, because 6-DOF tracking of the overall skeleton, after the initial pinch event, looks really good.

Bottom line: Much better than before, and good for “analog” inputs such as hand position and orientation, but problematic for “binary” controls such as pinch events. OK for single events with immediate feedback, but probably major slowdown for rapid sequenced interactions.

Durovis Dive

The Dive is just one example of cheap head-mounted displays relying completely on a smartphone for display, (orientational) head tracking, and application logic and 3D rendering, but after having tried several different ones now, I see systemic problems. Part of it is physical integration. By necessity, the screen needs to be removable from the head-mount enclosure, and that means there are large tolerances. And tolerances are not really tolerable in displays that sit right in front of your eyes. Besides theoretical rendering calibration issues, at least with the Dive I had problems with the basic optics. The lenses required for HMD viewing are adjustable in two directions, and their mounts are somewhat flimsy as a result. I fiddled with them for a while, but still couldn’t get the lenses to line up to the point where I got a fused stereo image. There was significantly, fusion-breaking vertical displacement between the two images that required me to keep pushing one lens adjuster up with my thumb throughout using it. Granted, this was a demo unit probably used by dozens of people before me, but it didn’t instill confidence.

But more importantly, it seems that even current-generation smartphones are simply not up to the task of running VR. With all systems I tried, there was severe display lag (at least several hundred milliseconds), and I can’t explain that by lack of raw graphics power or overly high scene complexity. Is it possible that smartphone screens run at low frame rates, and additionally delay output by a few frames for compositing or post-processing to make media playback look better? Whatever the reason, I couldn’t stand it for long.

On top of that, at least in the Dive I tried, the smartphone inside it seemed to have a faulty inertial sensor. The scene rotated about the vertical axis at maybe five degrees per second, and after a short while the horizon started tilting, too. I can’t say if this was just a bad sensor in that one particular phone (didn’t check make and model), or if it’s par for the course for smartphones. After all, smartphone inertial sensors aren’t meant for this application at all.

Bottom line: It may be cheap (although I just found out the Dive is 57 euros), but given the experience I had, I’d rather keep the money and not play smartphone games in VR. Actually, I’d rather the Dive et al. wouldn’t advertise themselves as VR devices at all. Call it “3D viewer for smartphone games,” or “a virtual IMAX screen on your smartphone” or whatever, but let’s not equate this to a real VR device. To misquote some guy: “The only thing that can kill VR now is bad VR.”


Another smartphone-based HMD, and with similar issues as the Durovis Dive. But this one was interesting because it has an option for AR. The Seebright works by placing the smartphone and core optics (two large, fresnel or regular, lenses) at the viewer’s forehead, and a mirror in front of the viewer’s eyes. This leads to a somewhat narrow field of view (45ยฐ according to the engineer I talked to), but it allows for a semi-transparent screen by replacing the mirror with a beam splitter. They had one to show (a 60/40 split between VR imagery and real world), and it was good. They didn’t have any AR demos yet, but I could imagine how those would work.

Bottom line: Is limited by using a smartphone as all-in-one sensor, processor, and display source, but has option for see-through AR.


Figure 3: The VRSandbox, a pass-through AR headset using a stereo camera and what looks like a 3D depth camera, but I’m not sure whether that was used in the demo.

This is embarassing. There was a booth showing a Rift with a faceplate-mounted stereo camera for pass-through AR. I had wanted to try one of those for a long time, because I had doubts how well they would work. Now I finally got to try one, but I forgot taking a business card or writing down the name of the company. Dear reader, if you know what I’m talking about (see Figure 3), please let me know below. Update: Thanks to Kent Bye, I could fix the article.

Now that I’ve tried, I still have my doubts. The two big ones are latency and stereo calibration. First off, latency on the device I tried was very high, it almost felt like half a second. Initially I didn’t understand why, because video pass-through should be much faster, but then I realized they were doing AR position tracking based on the camera feeds to align virtual objects with the video feed, and that explains most if not all of the delay.

Stereo calibration is a more subtle, but in my opinion just as important issue. When seeing real 3D objects through the video pass-through, they need to be at the proper scale, and at the proper depth. To achieve this, the projection parameters of the cameras must match the display parameters of the HMD. The only way to really do that is to place the focal point of the camera at the user’s pupil positions, and have the (real or virtual) sensor chips match the post-distortion position of the HMD’s screens. That’s pretty much impossible, of course, because there is already something in those positions — the user’s eyes, and the Rift’s screens. For any other physical setup, there will be a difference in projection between the capture and display parts, and that difference manifests as object being off scale, and the depth dimension being squished or exaggerated. Unfortunately, once regular video is captured from some viewpoint, the viewpoint cannot be adjusted in post-processing without major effort (essentially turning the stereo camera into a 3D camera via stereo reconstruction), and introducing major artifacts. Just piping video directly from the left/right cameras to the left/right screens and applying lens distortion correction is not enough.

And I did see that projection mismatch very clearly. For me, all real objects appeared shrunk significantly, and the depth dimension appeared squished. There was depth to the view, but objects (like my hands) looked almost like cardboard cutouts or billboards standing in space.

Now the big question is how distracting/annoying this would be to a regular user. I am heavily biased because I have been working with 3D video, and while that has a host of other problems, at least scale and depth perception are top notch. If the goal is to allow a user to interact with the real world without removing the headset, then the distortion won’t be a problem. It’s like looking through somebody else’s prescription glasses; things don’t quite look right, but it’s possible to get stuff done. But if the goal is to pretend that the headset is completely invisible, to replicate the look and feel of see-through AR, then it’s not there.

The only way, I think, to make pass-through AR work without distortion is to use either a real 3D camera (something like the Kinect), so that the captured 3D scene can be re-projected using the HMD’s proper display parameters, or a lightfield camera with a large enough aperture to cover a range of pupil positions, for basically the same effect.

Bottom line: Pass-through AR in general, and the device I saw in particular, can work for many applications, but if you expect to get the feeling of the HMD becoming invisible, then you might be disappointed.


Figure 4: The Infinadeck omni-directional treadmill, with a person for scale. The inventor, George Burger, is standing in the background wearing a red polo shirt.

Disclaimer: I was not involved in development of the Infinadeck, but i am hoping to work with the inventor on developing a closed-loop control system, and integration with VR displays via the Vrui VR toolkit.

The Infinadeck, as shown at SVVR ’14, is a prototype of an omni-directional treadmill that provides a natural walking experience. The Infinadeck’s surface can move independently in X and Y, and counter the user’s movement to keep them centered on the treadmill regardless of which direction they are walking. The current prototype does not have an automatic controller yet (treadmill speed was hand-controlled by the inventor, George Burger), and is not yet integrated into a VR display system by combining it with a head-mounted or screen-based VR display.

I tried the Infinadeck at SVVR ’14 for the first time, and while it doesn’t yet react to the user’s movements automatically, walking on it felt really good. The surface moves smoothly (with a slight wobble along the belt direction that will be fixed), and has very little bounce — it feels like walking on a solid floor, not on a trampoline. I think the Infinadeck has great potential, but see the disclaimer above.

Bottom line: It’s an early prototype, but I believe in its potential.

37 thoughts on “On the road for VR: Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference & Expo

  1. I missed the pass-through demo! Darn it. I could see an HMD built with a forward facing camera. I could also envision perhaps a knob on the top where you could adjust the camera focal point to match the AR world you are mapping to it. On that note, why not have a knob on the side that would let you adjust the distance between the lenses to better map to actual distance-between-pupils. Of course having the built in, internal-facing eyeball tracking device we spoke of would be great, but that somewhat increases the price point.

    I was really impressed with George Burger’s Infinadeck and in fact specifically brought you up as the ideal advisor to help him being his idea to fruition. I hope something comes of it.

    Palmer tried Infinadeck right after me and I happened to capture it on film.

  2. Thanks for this! Great to have someone actual critique new hardware rather than just stare open mouthed like I would. Even more excited about the pending DK2, so thanks for that.

    I totally agree with you views on Mobile Phone HMDs. They may come one day but we can’t even do it properly (yet) with full HMD/Computer systems. It’s like trying to run before you have even tried running.

    I am super interested in finding out more about the company doing Pass-through AR as I’m planning on trying this out with the DK2 when it arrives. How were their cameras positioned? In parallel or toed-in? Could this explain the projection mismatch?

    Will Steptoe’s example looks good (link above). I don’t have a Rift so haven’t viewed it in 3D. Have you watched it through the Rift? If so how does it compare?

    I wonder if improvements in camera frame rates and processing power could bring the latency down? Or even displaying the video directly to the screen but adding the digital content to a following frame improving the latency of the view by allowing the positional tracking and content rendering to occur in it’s own time. Not ideal but may make for an improved user experience?

    What are your thoughts on using higher than Rift resolution cameras with super wide angle lens might be better at getting the position of the view closer to the users pupils after some manipulation of the video feed?

    Sorry for the long post, should probably put it in my own blog….

    • I haven’t looked at Will’s approach through a Rift. You would only see the distortions and mismatches when observing an environment that you can also see in reality, so you have a mental model of what it should look like. The easiest thing is to hold your hands in front of your face or look at your body — but it has to be your own body.

      Video pass-through latency can be low if no computer vision processing takes place. I briefly thought about the approach you suggest when I tried it on (forking the video stream — send images to display right away, do tracking in background), but the problem would be that virtual object tracking would lag behind the video, so the virtual objects would appear to jump all over the place, which somewhat defeats the idea of AR. I don’t have any good suggestions.

      Using higher-FOV cameras would help getting the video feed to better match reality, but it’s only one part of the problem. I don’t know how bad/good the scale and depth would be based on higher FOV.

      Just like eye tracking in the Rift, this might be one of those things that are impossible to get 100% right, but a good approximation gets the job done in a practical form. I’m not convinced based on what I saw, but I’m open to try future improvements.

      • Hi Oliver, nice write-up, thanks.

        Regarding AR, a half-silvered mirror arrangement could conceivably be built to collocate the optical centers of the eyes and cameras. One would also want to use custom cameras with lens-shift and to have the lenses shift instantaneously according to focal depth recorded from binocular eye tracking. That’s probably less achievable at the moment…

        In my experience, it’s possible to align front-mounted cameras (no mirror) so that depths as perceived in video and virtual spaces are aligned within a certain range. In my current setup, this range is set around arms-reach, which is the most used depth for interaction tasks. (Non-expert) participants don’t tend to notice slight mismatches in depth, so the error seems tolerable.

        Note that the setup shown in my original video is actually badly calibrated . I need to get around to uploading an updated version.

        • Hi Will, thanks for weighing in. I’ve been looking at what you’re doing for a while. I’m glad to hear that you’re getting good alignment between the pass-through video and the rest. I know it’s basically impossible to show that in a video unless you have a real see-through headset, which is why I was so eager to try the VRSandbox myself (once they told me what it was), and a little disappointed that it didn’t work better.

  3. Would love to see the Infinadeck controlled using a Kinects skeletal tracking. Is this the plan?

    • The current plan is to use a combination of optical tracking (maybe just in 2D, using a down-facing camera) and inertial tracking as already provided by the Rift. This will give us direct velocity measurements, so instead of just noticing that the user stepped away from the center, and slowly rolling the belts back, we can directly force the belts to run at the same speed as the user, and correct positional offsets slowly over time. But this is purely based on my simulation right now, and might totally change once we try it in reality.

      I’m not looking at Kinect skeletal tracking right now due to its high latency.

      • Wouldn’t it be better to track the feet and have the “ground” be pushed by the movement of the feet?

        Though i guess for that some sort of triaxial pressure sensor + very low-latency and zero drift orientation sensor mounted on the sole of the shoes might be necessary…Or perhaps put a bunch of such sensors on the tiles?

        Would still need to track the overall position to correctly recenter the user when small errors accumulate; but i guess that would be less jarring than the conflicting feelings of starting to move only to get accelerated back into the opposite direction.

        • Yes, the idea is to counteract user movement as soon as possible. I’ve observed myself walking, and I noticed that I lead with my head when taking a first step. I think that generally applies; you need to get your center of gravity out in front of the leading foot before you lift it, or you’ll fall backwards. Hence the idea of measuring the head velocity via inertial tracking (which should have low enough latency), and immediately starting up the belts. I think this might even detect a step before the lead foot ever lifts off the ground. You’re right that a pressure detector on the soles or the floor would detect a step even earlier, because the shift of balance on the foot is what pushes the head forward, but I don’t think right now it will be necessary, and it’s definitely much more complex.

          There was one thing I overlooked, and it came up during a discussion with the Infinadeck engineers at the expo: what if the user just moves their head without taking a step? In that case the treadmill would over-react, and it would feel like dancing the hula. At least that’s what we agreed on. It might still work, trying will tell, but it probably won’t, which is why we started thinking about foot tracking. Maybe something like Matt Carrell’s Stompz could fill in that gap, moving towards your suggestion.

          Right now, this is pure speculation on my part. I can’t wait to get the electronics made to start experimenting with control schemes.

          • Perhaps the whole thing could be put on a platform with a pair of pressure sensors laid orthogonally, for horizontal movement, plus an array like 1 on each corner pointing up, for detecting both vertical pressure and the position of the user?

            Not sure how hard it would be to filter out the vibrations and oscillations induced by the treadmill mechanism though.

            Perhaps for the horizontal components, the treadmill mechanism itself could provide the information by measuring the torque on the motors?

          • I’m looking forward to trying Cyberith’s Virtualizer. http://www.cyberith.com/

            Looks like a much better concept than putting on special shoes. I think a touch senstive floor panel for movement would make this a great start to this area.

            I love the idea of the Infinadeck but it seems a bit noisy from the videos and expensive.

            When using the Kinect with the Infinadeck could you not use predictive algorithms to assess the users gait speeding up latency? Maybe similar to the predictive calculations done by the quadcopter in this TED talk for catching and bouncing a ball? http://www.ted.com/talks/raffaello_d_andrea_the_astounding_athletic_power_of_quadcopters

          • The Infinadeck is quite noisy right now. There seem to be ways to quiet it a bit, but I don’t know how much head room there is. Price will come down somewhat, but not to the level of an Omni or a Virtualizer.

  4. Durovis has given Mobile VR such a bad name and has really hurt it by setting the bar embarrassingly low.

    The Durovis headmount hardware leaves a LOT to be desired despite its lofty price. The software is also similarly lacking — it relies upon moving the [small] lenses to deal with IPD, the device must be taken out to move between applications, there is zero distortion correction (not even the option for the feature), and the predictive tracking is quite poor (despite 200Hz accelerometer reporting on many devices). Finally, the available apps and demos used to sell the hardware feel thrown together at best, and almost certainly have at least one fatal flaw. Even the recommended “Snakebyte” controller is a bad choice of hardware given the options!

    I think Mobile VR can be done far, far better, and is a shame that Durovis has sullied the idea by being the largest player with a very poor overall implementation. That’s not to say that mobile VR will match PC/Console, but I feel if better implemented, it can delight users.

    I have been following Durovis for the past year, and could almost forgive the project at the start for being new, but there has not been significant progress over the initial showing, and I’ve lost faith that it will improve in the ways it would need to. Thankfully there are other players in the space willing to give it a go. I just hope they don’t look at what exists (on mobile) as a framework of how to move forward.

    • Yes of course! I even asked them “what are you showing, your name is so non-descriptive?” I totally forgot. I’ll fix the article.

  5. Btw, i believe that with some optics trickery it should be possible to make the cameras have the same point of view as the user’s eyeballs (minus the tiny parallax differences caused by the pupil moving when the user looks at different directions). I’m just not sure how much of the field of view would need to be sacrificed.

    The setup i’m picturing would be a bit bulkier than just just having some circuitboards on the visor though; would make the thing more of a helmet than goggles.

    • I was thinking of using two 1600 x 1200 resolution (60hz) cameras with 150 degree lenses. Then use software trickery to ‘sink’ the POV back to eyeball level (or as close as possible). unlike the above setup you need to be able to adjust cameras horizontally and also their inwards facing angle (toed in).

        • Possibly? Might be close enough though.

          I’m thinking that by adjusting the angles of the cameras you’ll be able to change the focal length to compensate?

          Will have to wait and see. Hopefully my funding comes through so I can try it out!

          • Before investing in equipment, it’s probably a good idea to try it in the computer.

            If i understood your idea right, it will do weird things to stuff like the user’s own body and even things out of arm’s reach. To properly undistort things shot from the wrong point of view you would need to have information about the geometry of the stuff, and not just what the lens does to directions. And even then, you’re gonna have those shadows sorta like what you get with Kinect, but possibly much worse for things that aren’t too distant.

      • The cameras must not be turned inwards, that will create significant keystoning distortion away from the viewing direction (see Good Stereo vs. Bad Stereo). What’s really needed is a small camera that allows lateral lens shift. It shouldn’t be too hard, but there is no other application for that I can think of, so the cameras will have to be custom-made.

          • As stated in my article, toe-in was a compromise. Vertical parallax is noticeable towards the edges of the display. I could have used parallel with simulated lens-shift done in software, however, the issue was that I couldn’t spare any of the FOV / sensor resolution and still match those aspects of the Rift’s virtual display space. By doing software-shift you would lose a portion of that.

            As the article states (and in fact I am currently making) a parallel rig with excessive FOV & resolution to allow for software lens shift while retaining the required end resolution and FOV. This is using expensive machine vision USB 3.0 cameras.

          • Since I have you here, and I’m not an expert: how do you apply lens shift to a photograph after taking it? You need to move pixels according to their original depths in 3D space (close pixels move more than far-away ones), which were lost during projection. Do you need to run full 3D reconstruction, say based on stereo disparity, before you can apply shift?

  6. Wow, this was information overload ๐Ÿ˜€ Glad to get your hands-on for a lot of this. Out of the bunch Project Morpheus probably intrigues me the most, much because it has 360 positional tracking and already two spatially tracked hand controllers. Looking forward to testing it someday ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Co-locating the cameras with the user’s eyeballs is possible by folding the light-path. This has the drawback of either limiting the FoV by how big a 45deg mirror you’re willing to hang off the front of the HMD, or by using a wider angle and having a ‘blindspot’ where the camera is (or if the HMD’s FoV is not too large, a happy medium where the camera is just out of shot). It doesn’t account for pupil movement, but neither do displays as of yet.

    RE the Infinideck: how does it differ from previous toroid ODTs (e.g. Cyberwalk), other than ‘we want to make more than one, so it should be a lot cheaper’?

    • Re co-located cameras: You are right; I just had a phone call an hour ago with a company that has a working version of exactly that. I’m going to see it soon (and will hopefully be allowed to report back).

      Re Infinadeck: I have never seen the Cyberwalk myself, or used it, so this purely based on videos I’ve seen and (few) things I’ve read. The mechanics appear to be very similar at the coarse level, but as I understand (I’m not a mechanical engineer), the Infinadeck inventor managed to simplify and shrink them to the point that he can build a smaller version for a lot less money. Based on this paper and the accompanying YouTube video I think the Infinadeck would work about as well as the Cyberwalk; in fact, it was that video that made me optimistic about the whole thing, and specifically my initial idea for the control scheme.

      So the answer to your question is yes, this is basically a scaled-down, much less expensive, commodified Cyberwalk. At least that’s how I see it.

  8. Pingback: On the road for VR: Oculus Connect, Hollywood | Doc-Ok.org

  9. Pingback: #82: Oliver “Doc_Ok” Kreylos on VR input device speculation & sensor fusion combinations, developing a Linux SDK, VR video rending pipeline, & building a digital humanities VR research lab at UC Davis | Judderverse VR

  10. Pingback: #26: Mike Sutherland on the PrioVR suit for wireless, real-time motion tracking with inertial sensors | Judderverse VR

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