New Software Installation Mechanism

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  • #2718

    The old AR Sandbox software installation mechanism has been causing problems recently because several system packages have changed names in current Debian-based Linux distributions. The issue is that I am locked out of that web site at the moment and cannot update the installation scripts.

    Anyway, I have been developing a new software distribution mechanism for Vrui and Vrui applications that we can try. It greatly simplifies things.

    Step 1: Install the PullPackage manager. From a terminal window, run the following:

    cd ~
    bash ./PullPackage PullPackage

    (This will ask for your password.)

    After that command completes, you can safely delete the file you just downloaded:

    rm ./PullPackage

    Step 2: Install Vrui. From a terminal window, run the following:

    PullPackage Vrui

    Vrui will be installed in /opt/Vrui-<version>, e.g., /opt/Vrui-10.2 Per-user configuration data, like application-specific tool bindings, will be in ~/.config/Vrui-<version>, e.g., /home/username/.config/Vrui-10.2.

    Step 3: Install the Kinect 3D video package. From a terminal window, run the following:

    PullPackage Kinect

    Kinect will be installed inside the Vrui installation in /opt. Importantly, camera calibration files (intrinsic parameters, depth correction parameters, …) will be found in /opt/Vrui-<vrui version>/etc/Kinect-<kinect version>, e.g., /opt/Vrui-10.2/etc/Kinect-3.15.

    Step 4: Install the SARndbox package. From a terminal window, run the following:

    PullPackage SARndbox

    SARndbox will be installed in /opt/SARndbox-<version>, e.g., /opt/SARndbox-2.12. Importantly, SARndbox configuration files (BoxLayout.txt, ProjectorMatrix.dat, …) will be found in /opt/SARndbox-<version>/etc, e.g., /opt/SARndbox-2.12/etc.

    This will also create two template configuration files in ~/.config/Vrui-<version>/Applications: CalibrateProjector.cfg contains settings and tool bindings for the projector calibration utility, and SARndbox.cfg contains settings and common tool bindings for the SARndbox main application.

    The SARndbox installation will additionally create some icons on the desktop, for the most important applications and utilities. There will not be an icon for RawKinectViewer, which needs to be run from a terminal window:

    RawKinectViewer -compress 0

    The calibration steps remain the same as before: retrieve Kinect intrinsic parameters, optionally calculate per-pixel depth correction parameters, measure the sandbox base plane and box extents, calibrate the projector.

    • This topic was modified 8 months ago by okreylos. Reason: Elaborated on step 1

    Thank you for doing this it has been very helpful. I have attempted these steps and they worked for me except during the end of the sandbox app install. I got these errors:

    Creating projector calibration configuration file /home/test/.config/Vrui-10.2/Applications/CalibrateProjector.cfg
    tee: /home/test/.config/Vrui-10.2/Applications/CalibrateProjector.cfg: No such file or directory
    Creating SARndbox configuration file /home/test/.config/Vrui-10.2/Applications/SARndbox.cfg
    tee: /home/test/.config/Vrui-10.2/Applications/SARndbox.cfg: No such file or directory
    Creating per-user configuration file /home/test/.config/SARndbox-2.12/SARndbox.conf
    Installing ARSandbox icon /home/test/.local/share/icons/hicolor/64×64/apps/SARndbox.png
    Package SARndbox, version 2.12, successfully installed

    When I checked the folder structure, the /home/test/.config/Vrui-10.2/Applications folder did not exist.

    Also when ran the RawKinectViewer -compress 0 command I got this error:
    RawKinectViewer: Connected to 3D camera with serial number A70773V03192237A
    Kinect::Camera::getIntrinsicParameters: Could not load intrinsic parameter file /opt/Vrui-10.2/etc/Kinect-3.15/Kinect-3.15/IntrinsicParameters-A70773V03192237A.dat due to exception IO::StandardFile: Unable to open file /opt/Vrui-10.2/etc/Kinect-3.15/Kinect-3.15/IntrinsicParameters-A70773V03192237A.dat for reading due to error 2 (No such file or directory)

    it looks like the viewer is looking for a nested Kinect folder inside the first kinect folder.


    Thank you for the bug report. I fixed the Kinect and SARndbox packages. Please pull both of them again:

    PullPackage Kinect
    PullPackage SARndbox

    and it should work without errors.


    Thank you very much okreylos for the updated building scripts:
    I could finally build “AR Sandbox” on Ubuntu 22.04LTS.

    I had trouble building Vrui with errors like:
    /usr/bin/ld: _ZN22GLEXTFramebufferObject7currentE: TLS reference in o/g++-3.g0.O3/VisionTest.o mismatches non-TLS reference

    Well I just need to setup everything but so far everything seems to work.

    Would be great to merge your code to the current SARndBox/Vrui code.
    I didn’t find the code on Github, but only your repo here which wasn’t updated recently:


    Hi Oliver,

    On Ubuntu 22.04LTS when compiling Vrui 12.x & Kinect 4.1 manually, it works out of the box (just needed to edit the location of Vrui for Kinect 4.1 in the makefile).

    However “SARndbox-3.1” stops compiling with the following error:

    Linking bin/SARndbox...
    /usr/bin/ld: o/g++-3.g0.O3/PropertyGridCreator.o: undefined reference to symbol 'TIFFSetField@@LIBTIFF_4.0'
    /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [/usr/local/share/Vrui-12.1/make/BasicMakefile:320: bin/SARndbox] Error 1

    Needed to add -ltiff to the linker in the file:

    so it should look like this (from line 317):

    # Set default link command for executables:
            @mkdir -p $(abspath $(EXEDIR)/$(*D))
            $(CCOMP) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^) $(EXELFLAGS) -ltiff
            @echo Linking $@...
            @$(CCOMP) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^) $(EXELFLAGS) -ltiff



    Hello. I have just successfully completed the installation according to the old instructions. Apart from the occasional rain caused by the spread of the palm over the projection surface, everything works satisfactorily. Is it recommended to carry out the new installation now? Would I have to delete the old one first or would it remain unaffected?

    Herzliche Grüße!


    I still received the same error that mkaszuba (above) did when pulling the packages (no such file or directory) and when trying to run the program (intrinsic calibration.dat not found). Is there a process for resolving this issue, or does it not have a significant impact on the operation of the program?

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by cwj.

    need to know the preferred hardware. Last i checked a couple of years back, it was a kinect v2 camera which is used with xbox 360. I was not able to find any post regarding hardware in this new forum


    I am getting an error from PullPackage Vrui. It seems I am missing tiffio.h can someone point me to the right place.

    Compiling Images/BaseImage.cpp…
    Compiling Images/GeoTIFF.cpp…
    Images/GeoTIFF.cpp:27:10: fatal error: tiffio.h: No such file or directory
    27 | #include <tiffio.h>
    | ^~~~~~~~~~
    compilation terminated.
    make: *** [/home/toposandbox/src/PullPackage/Vrui-12.1-002/BuildRoot/BasicMakefile:224: o/g++-3.g0.O3/pic/Images/GeoTIFF.o] Error 1
    make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
    Unable to build Vrui-12.1-002
    Unable to install package Vrui, version current


    ok so I got further into the install by typing sudo apt-get install libtiff-dev

    but I got another issue with png.h that I got around with sudo apt-get install libpng-dev

    then I ran PullPackage Vrui and it went a lot further into the install.

    but now getting errors at the end of the install

    Compiling Calibration/XBackground.cpp…
    Compiling Calibration/TotalStation.cpp…
    Vrui/Utilities/VruiSoundConfig.cpp: In destructor ‘virtual VruiSoundConfig::~VruiSoundConfig()’:
    Vrui/Utilities/VruiSoundConfig.cpp:664:136: error: ‘headsetDeviceName’ was not declared in this scope
    664 | Misc::ConfigurationFile::patchFile(configFilePath.c_str(),(tagPath+”/SoundContext/deviceName”).c_str(),headsetDeviceName.c_str());
    | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Vrui/Utilities/VruiSoundConfig.cpp:665:145: error: ‘headsetSourceName’ was not declared in this scope
    665 | Misc::ConfigurationFile::patchFile(configFilePath.c_str(),(tagPath+”/SoundContext/recordingDeviceName”).c_str(),headsetSourceName.c_str());
    | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Compiling Calibration/NaturalPointClient.cpp…
    Compiling Calibration/MeasureEnvironment.cpp…
    make: *** [/home/toposandbox/src/PullPackage/Vrui-12.1-002/BuildRoot/BasicMakefile:182: o/g++-3.g0.O3/Vrui/Utilities/VruiSoundConfig.o] Error 1
    make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
    Unable to build Vrui-12.1-002
    Unable to install package Vrui, version current

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by gcsciencemill. Reason: Needed to set it to notify me

    Maybe a week ago I was able to download according to the instructions in this thread, and was able run RawKinectViewer, but AR Sandbox would only show a black screen, so I ran PullPackage Vrui, PullPackage Kinect and PullPackage SARndbox again. Now RawKinectViewer, Calibrate Projector, and AR Sandbox are completely broken and I am having an error similar to mkaszuba:

    RawKinectViewer: Connected to 3D camera with serial number A00365911169044A
    Kinect::Camera::getIntrinsicParameters: Could not load intrinsic parameter file /opt/Vrui-12.1/etc/Kinect-4.1/IntrinsicParameters-A00365911169044A.dat due to exception IO::StandardFile::openFile: Cannot open file /opt/Vrui-12.1/etc/Kinect-4.1/IntrinsicParameters-A00365911169044A.dat for reading due to libc error 2 (No such file or directory)
    Terminated RawKinectViewer due to exception: Kinect::Camera::getCalibrationParameters: Protocol error while requesting parameter subset

    looking into the folder /opt/Vrui-12.1/etc/Kinect-4.1/ the only file present is KinectServer.cfg


    so it appears that the camera calibration files are not being created.


    I am also experiencing this same error, but I don’t know why it started suddenly. I was not having the issue when I pulled the installation files last month. The sandbox also still seems to function properly despite the error, in my case.


    @cwj what did you do to get around it?


    @gcsciencemill Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for that, the program continues to work like it did before despite the error occurring each time. I tried manually creating the .dat file it was looking for but that made it non-functional, so I am just leaving it be.

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