Adding different liquid textures/animations (lava, toxic waste, etc)

Home Forums AR Sandbox Forum Adding different liquid textures/animations (lava, toxic waste, etc)

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    How would we go about adding different liquid animations, such as changing the water to appear as lava or toxic waste?


    Sean Robinson

    I’ve not done more than play with different liquid textures, so others might have better information.

    The key piece is replacing the SurfaceAddWaterColor.fs file with a copy using different colors. Search inside that file for “Lava” for the line to change. The sandbox will automatically update if you replace SurfaceAddWaterColor.fs while SARndbox is running.


    This is a link to GitHub for the scripts and configs added to the River Wey Trust AR Sandbox implementation.

    The Trust’s version of the SARndbox has a number of ‘added features’ culled from trawling the original forum, and with some home written scripting and configs. Perhaps not always elegant, and probably inefficient for those more skilled in Linux etc… but for the sake of sharing and supporting Oliver Kraylos’ stunning generous gift of the original code and concept, these notes describe what we currently have.



    @ Sean – I appreciate this info, I’ll give this a try. Is it possible to set this up so that I could easily switch between textures? Or will changing the texture remove the option to do water and it would be just lava, etc.?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Cormac.

    @ ajy000 – this is very helpful! I will look through this resource and see what I can come up with. I am not the most tech savvy – though I was successful in getting through the AR sandbox setup/programming, I was reliant on Kreylos how-to videos to get through everything. Not sure if there are any how-to “ELI5” guides on how to make these updates. I assume you’ve implemented these changes yourself, if you don’t mind I may be reaching out with questions as I stumble through!

    Sean Robinson

    Is it possible to set this up so that I could easily switch between textures?

    Yes. The way I’ve seen it done (including by the River Wey Trust) is to keep several files prepared (water, lava, etc.) and copy the file you want to use to SurfaceAddWaterColor.fs.

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