Kinect depth camera

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  • #2330

    I’ve followed the instructions up to step 6. On step 7:Align the 3D Camera, when I run the two commands, the window opens and I can see the color video stream on the right, but the left hand depth stream is a solid white box.
    This is a v2 camera, I have followed all the instructions as written.
    I am not very familiar with Linux, not sure what my next steps are to a)ensure the depth camera is actually working and b) continue with the sandbox setup.
    screenshot of kinect camera stream

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by takokato.
    Sean Robinson

    From the image you shared, I suspect your depth camera has died. Are there any error messages in the terminal window where you started RawKinectViewer?


    I’m running into the same issue, did you ever find a solution to this?


    I bought another camera and it worked, I was thinking along the same lines as Sean. I did not have any error messages, but it was easier to buy another used camera than to troubleshoot the issue.

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