Rain only falls in part of the sandbox

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  • #2737

    Hi everyone!
    The whole sandbox is visible on the screen and the topographic map works, however, when using either the global rain button or using a hand the rain only falls over a section of the sandbox. The water also will not pool in the area where the rain doesn’t fall as if it hits a barrier.

    Thank you!


    Hi Stephanie, I have yet to encounter this bug myself, any chance you could make a video?
    Normally with something like this I would try to make sure I redid the calibration from scratch. Have you had any luck fixing it?


    So I’ve just had a little refresh looking at the program again and I am wondering if you tweaked your program startup script if it may help.

    if you type /usr/local/bin/SARndbox -h in your terminal you get quite a bit of options.

    There is one in there that may help you.

    -wts <water grid width> <water grid height>
         Sets the width and height of the water flow simulation grid
         Default: 640 480

    My best guess, and it’s truly just a shot in the dark, is that you may want to changing this setting to a resolution that matches the resolution you are running the program at.

    So you could try running the program with a command like this /usr/local/bin/SARndbox -fpv -uhm -wts 1024 768

    I really hope this helps!

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by robbo.

    Hi Robbo,

    I replied to you last week but it never got uploaded to the forum.

    “It’s seems to be a bit of a unique bug! Thanks for Replying 🙂
    I do think it is something to do with the calibration as it is harder to calibrate in those areas and stops tracking well (during calibration), but the topography generation is fine in those areas.

    If I run ‘bin/SARndbox -h’ in the terminal it runs the program with a black and white moveable topographic map but no options.
    I’ve tried -wts before unfortunately and found that it only changed the resolution, not the area effected.”

    I have however found a fix for this problem. I had to change the co-ordinates in the Boxlayout textfile and set it larger than was needed for the topography. I also changed the values so there are only 5 numbers, Left, Right, Top, Bottom & Depth
    So the file reads Top line then (Left, Bottom, Depth) (Right, Bottom, Depth) (Left, Top, Depth) (Right, Top, Depth).

    This fixed the issue even before re-calibrating. When opening the calibration before only a section of the screen flashed red on start up while now the whole screen flashes red (When refreshing the screen the whole screen has always turned red)

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