Hi, is there a troubleshooting guide for the sandbox? Ours was made by a former colleague who is long gone and the sandbox isnt functioning correctly. I found the step by step for creating one from scratch but not to fault find. I suspect we have an issue with the Kinnect, green light on this si flashing whereas used to be solid.
I have not run across a troubleshooting guide anywhere. That would be a nice resource.
Are you sure the green light used to remain solid? The LED on our Kinect V1 begins to flash once it is connected to USB and continues to flash when the sandbox software runs.
If you mold the sand into a distinctive shape (e.g. a tall hill next to a deep valley) before starting the sandbox, do the proper contour lines get drawn on the initial shape?
I’d like to determine if the Kinect is ever getting a good measurement or if the contour readings are stuck on some measurement internal to the Kinect.