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  • in reply to: projector calibration question #2744
    Has all the instructions for you to calibrate your Sandbox.

    in reply to: Rain only falls in part of the sandbox #2741

    So I’ve just had a little refresh looking at the program again and I am wondering if you tweaked your program startup script if it may help.

    if you type /usr/local/bin/SARndbox -h in your terminal you get quite a bit of options.

    There is one in there that may help you.

    -wts <water grid width> <water grid height>
         Sets the width and height of the water flow simulation grid
         Default: 640 480

    My best guess, and it’s truly just a shot in the dark, is that you may want to changing this setting to a resolution that matches the resolution you are running the program at.

    So you could try running the program with a command like this /usr/local/bin/SARndbox -fpv -uhm -wts 1024 768

    I really hope this helps!

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by robbo.
    in reply to: External button for rain/drain #2740

    I just wanted to add my config file that I use with a simple arcade button USB Adaptor combo.

    section Vrui
        section Desktop
            section MouseAdapter
                mouseIdleTimeout 5.0
            inputDeviceAdapterNames += (HIDAdapter)
            section HIDAdapter
                inputDeviceAdapterType HID
                inputDeviceNames (USBEncoder)
                section USBEncoder
                    name USBEncoder
                    deviceVendorProductId 0079:0006
                    trackingDeviceName Mouse
            section Window
                windowFullscreen false
            section Tools
            toolClassNames += (ScriptExecutorTool)  
            section DefaultTools
                section WaterTool
                        toolClass GlobalWaterTool
                        bindings ((USBEncoder, Button0, Button1))
    in reply to: Rain only falls in part of the sandbox #2739

    Hi Stephanie, I have yet to encounter this bug myself, any chance you could make a video?
    Normally with something like this I would try to make sure I redid the calibration from scratch. Have you had any luck fixing it?

    in reply to: projector #2692

    One issue I have had is being able to calibrate it properly in a well lit environment. It seems that the Kinect sensor can’t seem to read the sand properly in daylight conditions. It could be because of the reflective quality of the type of sand I’m using and this might not be an issue for you. But it is something I would test before committing to an expensive build.

    in reply to: Immense Lag on Water (& Other GPU Related Activities) #2691

    I may be wrong here, but I think the water part of the simulation is CPU heavy and has no built in limit to how much a user can add. It can easily overwhelm even the beefiest of computer builds.

    One way to deal with this is to increase the evaporation rate in the command line when you start the program. If you make it aggressive it’ll dry out the map pretty quickly. It’ll be up to you to see what works best for your users. I’m assuming their aware they can add water by using the hand gesture so even if the evaporation rate is high they can still add enough to find the simulation useful. This can at least reduce slow-downs. You can also change the amount of reflections in the water and a few other settings and see if that helps.

    Another way is to add an arcade button that can “drain” the water. Possibly in conjunction with a little sign that says “If program is slowing down, press and hold me to remove some water.”.

    There’s a few tutorials on this forum that can show you exactly what I’m talking about if you do a little search for them. I’ll check back when I have more time and see if I can dig them up for you if you’re still having trouble.

    in reply to: Kinect view upside down #2589

    Not sure if you fixed this but it sounds like you need to rotate your kinect 180 degrees, or flip the orientation of your projector in it’s settings.

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: Switch texture water to lava #2570

    OK! I think I figured out why I was running into issues. I recreated the SARndbox.pipe file in the /bin directory with mknod SARndbox.pipe p.

    If you do it this way it does not create a SARndbox.fifo named pipe file. So if I try to reference it with SARndbox -uhm -fpv -cp SARndbox.fifo or send it commands like echo "colorMap <color map file>" > SARndbox.fifo it doesn’t work.

    So the solution is very simple 🙂 I changed any reference toSARndbox.fifo to SARndbox.pipe and voila! Everything works great! I can update the color maps with a simple script just how you outlined above in real time.

    in reply to: Switch texture water to lava #2567

    ok here is what I got for permissions -rwxrwxrwx 1 sandbox sandbox 28 Jun 7 13:05 SARndbox.fifo

    and here is the command I was using straight out of the /bin folder in terminal

    ./SARndbox -fpv -uhm -cp ~/src/SARndbox-2.8/bin/SARndbox.fifo -vruiVerbose

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by robbo.
    in reply to: Switch texture water to lava #2565

    These instructions are super helpful! So thank you for posting a good explanation. I am having a strange issue though. I can send the command to the pipe and it does change the elevation map colors but only after I restart the program. I’m not getting any errors in the command line where SARndbox is running. I’ve tried creating a pipe file with both mknod and mkfifo but neither will cause the program to update in realtime. Any help is very appreciated!

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