About okreylos

I am a research computer scientist at the University of California, Davis. My research areas are scientific visualization, particularly in immersive ("virtual reality") environments, human/computer interaction in immersive environments, and 3D computer graphics. My primary work is software development, from architecture over design to implementation and coding. I am the primary software developer for the UC Davis W.M. Keck Center for Active Visualization in the Earth Sciences (KeckCAVES). Some of my released packages are Vrui (a VR development toolkit), CollaborationInfrastructure (a tele-collaboration plug-in for Vrui), Kinect (a driver suite to capture 3D video from Microsoft Kinect cameras), LiDAR Viewer (a visualization package for very large 3D point clouds), 3D Visualizer (a system for interactive visual analysis of 3D volumetric data), Nanotech Construction Kit (an interactive molecular design program), and SARndbox (an augmented reality sandbox). I also dabble in VR hardware, in the sense that I take existing custom or commodity hardware components (3D TVs, head-mounted displays, projectors, tracking systems, Wiimotes, Kinect cameras, ...) and build fully integrated immersive environments out of them. This includes a fair share of driver development to support hardware that either doesn't have drivers, or whose vendor-supplied drivers are not up to par.

Fighting Motion Sickness due to Explicit Viewpoint Rotation

Here is an interesting innovation: the developers at Cloudhead Games, who are working on The Gallery: Six Elements, a game/experience created for HMDs from the ground up, encountered motion sickness problems due to explicit viewpoint rotation when using analog sticks on game controllers, and came up with a creative approach to mitigate it: instead of rotating the view smoothly, as conventional wisdom would suggest, they rotate the view discretely, in relatively large increments (around 30°). And apparently, it works. What do you know. In their explanation, they refer to the way dancers keep themselves from getting dizzy during pirouettes by fixing their head in one direction while their bodies spin, and then rapidly whipping their heads around back to the original direction. But watch them explain and demonstrate it themselves. Funny thing is, I knew that thing about ice dancers, but never thought to apply it to viewpoint rotation in VR.

Figure 1: A still from the video showing the initial implementation of “VR Comfort Mode” in Vrui.

This is very timely, because I have recently been involved in an ongoing discussion about input devices for VR, and how they should be handled by software, and how there should not be a hardware standard but a middleware standard, and yadda yadda yadda. So I have been talking up Vrui‘s input model quite a bit, and now is the time to put up or shut up, and show how it can handle some new idea like this.

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I Can’t Ever Get Over This Mars Thing, Can I?

I have talked about KeckCAVES’ involvement in the Curiosity Mars Rover missions several times before, but I just found a set of cool pictures that I have not shared yet. I just saw a reddit thread about a VR application to walk on the moon, one commenter asked about doing the same for Mars, and one thing led to another.

Can an application like that be done for Mars? Do we have enough data, and are the data publicly available? The answers are “yes, already done,” “kinda,” and “yes, but,” respectively.

As of my last checking, there are two main sources of topography data for Mars. The older source is an orbital laser range survey done by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). This is essentially a planetary LiDAR scan, and can be visualized using LiDAR Viewer. The two pictures I mention above are these (Figures 1 and 2):

Figure 1: Global visualization of Mars topography using the MOLA data set, rendered using LiDAR Viewer. Vertical scale is 5:1.

Figure 2: Close-up of global Mars topography data set (centered on the canals), showing individual laser returns as grey dots. The scan lines corresponding to individual orbital periods can clearly be identified. Vertical scale is 5:1.

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More on Desktop Embedding via VNC

I started regretting uploading my “Embedding 2D Desktops into VR” video, and the post describing it, pretty much right after I did it, because there was such an obvious thing to do, and I didn’t think of it.

Figure 1: Screenshot from video showing VR ProtoShop run simultaneously in a 3D environment created by an Oculus Rift and a Razer Hydra, and in a 2D environment using mouse and keyboard, brought into the 3D environment via the VNC remote desktop protocol.

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A Positive Outcome of the Facebook Oculus Acquisition


Here’s a silver lining: Since Facebook has taken over Oculus, this blog, or more precisely, my early review of the Oculus Rift dev kit, is no longer Google’s number one result for “Oculus Rift garbage.” I’ve always felt very bad for that (Google took my review completely out of context!). It’s now number four three two.

Alas, I’m still number one for “Oculus Rift rubbish.” Hey Oculus, could you please announce that you’ll delay shipping of DK2 to Q1 2015? Help a guy out, will you?


VR Movies

There has been a lot of discussion about VR movies in the blogosphere and forosphere (just to pick two random examples), and even on Wired, recently, with the tenor being that VR movies will be the killer application for VR. There are even downloadable prototypes and start-up companies.

But will VR movies actually ever work?

This is a tricky question, and we have to be precise. So let’s first define some terms.

When talking about “VR movies,” people are generally referring to live-action movies, i.e., the kind that is captured with physical cameras and shows real people (well, actors, anyway) and environments. But for the sake of this discussion, live-action and pre-rendered computer-generated movies are identical.

We’ll also have to define what we mean by “work.” There are several things that people might expect from “VR movies,” but not everybody might expect the same things. The first big component, probably expected by all, is panoramic view, meaning that a VR movie does not only show a small section of the viewer’s field of view, but the entire sphere surrounding the viewer — primarily so that viewers wearing a head-mounted display can freely look around. Most people refer to this as “360° movies,” but since we’re all thinking 3D now instead of 2D, let’s use the proper 3D term and call them “4π sr movies” (sr: steradian), or “full solid angle movies” if that’s easier.

The second component, at least as important, is “3D,” which is of course a very fuzzy term itself. What “normal” people mean by 3D is that there is some depth to the movie, in other words, that different objects in the movie appear at different distances from the viewer, just like in reality. And here is where expectations will vary widely. Today’s “3D” movies (let’s call them “stereo movies” to be precise) treat depth as an independent dimension from width and height, due to the realities of stereo filming and projection. To present filmed objects at true depth and with undistorted proportions, every single viewer would have to have the same interpupillary distance, all movie screens would have to be the exact same size, and all viewers would have to sit in the same position relative the the screen. This previous post and video talks in great detail about what happens when that’s not the case (it is about head-mounted displays, but the principle and effects are the same). As a result, most viewers today would probably not complain about the depth in a VR movie being off and objects being distorted, but — and it’s a big but — as VR becomes mainstream, and more people experience proper VR, where objects are at 1:1 scale and undistorted, expectations will rise. Let me posit that in the long term, audiences will not accept VR movies with distorted depth.

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2D Desktop Embedding via VNC

There have been several discussions on the Oculus subreddit recently about how to integrate 2D desktops or 2D applications with 3D VR environments; for example, how to check your Facebook status while playing a game in the Oculus Rift without having to take off the headset.

This is just one aspect of the larger issue of integrating 2D and 3D applications, and it reminded me that it was about time to revive the old VR VNC client that Ed Puckett, an external contractor, had developed for the CAVE a long time ago. There have been several important changes in Vrui since the VNC client was written, especially in how Vrui handles text input, which means that a completely rewritten client could use the new Vrui APIs instead of having to implement everything ad-hoc.

Here is a video showing the new VNC client in action, embedded into LiDAR Viewer and displayed in a desktop VR environment using an Oculus Rift HMD, mouse and keyboard, and a Razer Hydra 6-DOF input device:

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Small Correction to Rift’s Projection Matrix

In a previous post, I looked at the Oculus Rift’s internal projection in detail, and did some analysis of how stereo rendering setup is explained in the Rift SDK’s documentation. Looking at that again, I noticed something strange.

In the other post, I simplified the Rift’s projection matrix as presented in the SDK documentation to

P = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{2 \cdot \mathrm{EyeToScreenDistance}}{\mathrm{HScreenSize} / 2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{2 \cdot \mathrm{EyeToScreenDistance}}{\mathrm{VScreenSize}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{z_\mathrm{far}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}} & \frac{z_\mathrm{far} \cdot z_\mathrm{near}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}} \\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}

which, to those in the know, doesn’t look like a regular OpenGL projection matrix, such as created by glFrustum(…). More precisely, the third row of P is off. The third-column entry should be \frac{z_\mathrm{near} + z_\mathrm{far}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}} instead of \frac{z_\mathrm{far}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}}, and the fourth-column entry should be 2 \cdot \frac{z_\mathrm{far} \cdot z_\mathrm{near}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}} instead of \frac{z_\mathrm{far} \cdot z_\mathrm{near}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}}. To clarify, I didn’t make a mistake in the derivation; the matrix’s third row is the same in the SDK documentation.

What’s the difference? It’s subtle. Changing the third row of the projection matrix doesn’t change where pixels end up on the screen (that’s the good news). It only changes the z, or depth, value assigned to those pixels. In a standard OpenGL frustum matrix, 3D points on the near plane get a depth value of 1.0, and those on the far plane get a depth value of -1.0. The 3D clipping operation that’s applied to any triangle after projection uses those depth values to cut off geometry outside the view frustum, and the viewport projection after that will map the [-1.0, 1.0] depth range to [0, 1] for z-buffer hidden surface removal.

Using a projection matrix as presented in the previous post, or in the SDK documentation, will still assign a depth value of -1.0 to points on the far plane, but a depth value of 0.0 to points on the (nominal) near plane. Meaning that the near plane distance given as parameter to the matrix is not the actual near plane distance used by clipping and z buffering, which might lead to some geometry appearing in the view that shouldn’t, and a loss of resolution in the z buffer because only half the value range is used.

I’m assuming that this is just a typo in the Oculus SDK documentation, and that the library code does the right thing (I haven’t looked).

Oh, right, so the fixed projection matrix, for those working along, is

P = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{2 \cdot \mathrm{EyeToScreenDistance}}{\mathrm{HScreenSize} / 2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{2 \cdot \mathrm{EyeToScreenDistance}}{\mathrm{VScreenSize}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{z_\mathrm{near} + z_\mathrm{far}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}} & 2 \cdot \frac{z_\mathrm{far} \cdot z_\mathrm{near}}{z_\mathrm{near} - z_\mathrm{far}} \\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}

KeckCAVES in the News

A cluster of earthquakes always gets the news media interested in geology, at least for a short time, and Monday’s 4.4 in southern California, following last week’s series of north coast quakes up to 6.9, was no different. Our local media’s go-to guy for earthquakes and other natural hazards is Dr. Gerald Bawden of the USGS Sacramento. Gerald also happens to be one of the main users of the KeckCAVES visualization facility and KeckCAVES software, and so he took an interview with our local Fox-affiliate in the CAVE, “to get out of the wind,” as he put it.

Here’s the video. Caution: ads after the jump.

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Game Engines and Positional Head Tracking

Oculus recently presented the “Crystal Cove,” a version of the Rift head-mounted display with built-in optical tracking, which is combined with the existing inertial tracker to provide a full 6-DOF (position and orientation) tracking solution at low latency, and it is rumored that the Crystal Cove will be released as development kit mark 2 after this year’s Game Developers Conference.

This is great news. I’ve been saying for a long time that Oculus cannot afford to drop positional head tracking on developers at the last minute, because it will break several assumptions built into game engines and other VR software (but let’s talk about game engines here). I’m also happy because the Crystal Cove uses precisely the tracking technology that I predicted: active markers (LEDs) on the headset, and an external camera placed at a fixed position in the environment. I am also sad because I didn’t manage to finish my own after-market optical tracking add-on before Oculus demonstrated their new integrated technology, but that’s life.

So why does positional head tracking break existing games? Because for the first time, the virtual camera used to render a game world is no longer under sufficient control of the software. Let’s take a step back. In a standard, desktop, 3D game, the camera is entirely controlled by the software. The software sets it to some position and orientation determined by the game logic, the 3D engine renders the virtual world for that camera setup, and the result is the displayed image.

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An Early Easter Egg

I always love it when an image I made, or a photograph I took, pops up in an unexpected context. I have recently been drafted for a campus committee, the Campus Council for Information Technology, and the guest speaker in today’s meeting, Patrice Koehl, did a presentation on Big Data, Data Analytics, the need for data centers, the lack of collaboration between computer scientists and other scientists, etc. Among his slides was this one (apologies for the lousy quality; I took the picture with my laptop’s built-in camera):

Figure 1: Snapshot from today’s CCFIT meeting, showing Patrice Koehl, one of his slides, and one of my pictures on one of his slides (indicated by red frame).

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